Warning: fopen(/home/strollers/public_html/system/storage/cache/cache.currency.1737228892): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/strollers/public_html/system/library/cache/file.php on line 28Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/strollers/public_html/system/library/cache/file.php on line 30Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /home/strollers/public_html/system/storage/cache/cache.currency.1737228892 in /home/strollers/public_html/system/library/cache/file.php on line 32Warning: fread() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/strollers/public_html/system/library/cache/file.php on line 32Warning: flock() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/strollers/public_html/system/library/cache/file.php on line 34Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /home/strollers/public_html/system/library/cache/file.php on line 36 Masinuta de impins 01490/2 Turquoise
  • Masinuta de impins 01490/2 Turquoise
In Stoc
Cod produs:
My Kids
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Masinutele de impins vor fi intotdeauna un cadou minunat pentru copiii nostri, de care se vor bucura si cu care se vor juca mereu atat in spatiile inchise, cat si afara. Acest produs le va capta mereu atentia, le va stimula imaginatia, dar ii si va impinge catre miscare si dorinta de a iesi afara la joaca. Aerul curat, socializarea, miscarea si folosirea imaginatiei sunt extrem de importante pentru cei mici. Masinuta poate fi folosita de la o varsta frageda ajutand copilul sa-si dezvolte abilitatile locomotorii si sa se miste independent. Volanul si rotile acestei masinute de impins nu se rotesc. Dimensiuni 38 x68 cm.
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